Monday, January 24, 2011

Rhymes with "ott"

Well, as you will soon understand, not a lot happened blog-worthy here with me and Ella today, but it has been a few days since I last updated, so I thought I would share with you something amazing Paul and I realized after dinner tonight. Paul may not have been as amazed as I was. You may not either. However, I think some of you may just find this little tidbit quite delightful. (In direct proportion to your nerdiness ; ) )

So here's how it happened. We eat Mott's fruit snacks. We had a fresh pack from the grocery store today. (Sidenote: I tried online shopping at my grocery store today--Revolutionary! You go through the website and pick everything you want from a menu that is better organized than the food at the store, I find. Then a nice lady calls and tells you if they don't have anything and asks if you want to switch in that case. She also let me add something I forgot. (TP--very important!) Then you send your obliging husband to the little drive thru pick up spot on his way home from work, and you never have to deal with one carseat strap or shopping cart. He even brings the groceries in the house for you! (Not sure Harris Teeter universally guarantees the last part, but I enjoyed it.) Thus concludes the sidenote.) Paul took out a pack of fruit snacks and said, randomly, "Mott's, rhymes with dots." And I replied, "Rhymes with lots," very happy with my pun. But then I started going through all the consonants in the alphabet in my head because that is what my word-obsessed brain does when presented with something like a little rhyming game. Ok, get ready. Do you know that the only consonants in the alphabet that don't start a word that rhymes with "ott" are k, q, v, x, y, and z? Give it a try. You will be amazed. Or you may just be staring at your computer in disbelief that this is the point of this whole two paragraphs of text. What can I say? I have a new appreciation for this particular phoneme and, I hope, now you do too.


Nicola said...

Emily, you are right!! And I am a total nerd and do this kind of thing all the time.. We will be so much fun for everyone to be around when we combine our forces at Christmas, right?!!
Anyway, how about 'yacht'? I know the letters don't tally, but the phonemes do! Otherwise... no dice. Tomorrow's phoneme: 'oi/oy' xxx

Emily said...

Oooh hooray! You are totally right Nicola! Score one more for "ott"!

Mary Ellen Ott said...

and "knot"

Mary Ellen said...

and "zygote"

Emily said...

Ha! Well done! : )

Emily said...

Hmm . . . Ms. Ott, is this pronounced differently in the Queen's English? I don't think zygote counts as a rhyme on Ella's side of the pond. We'll have to save it for rhymes with "oat" day.