Friday, June 03, 2011

36 weeks

Today I took some pictures of the maternity top I made to put it up in my etsy shop. Since I have the photos, I figured I would post this profile shot, despite my total inability to make a normal face in a self portrait, because I am now REALLY pregnant. I am past the 36 week mark guys! It could be any day now. I feel like I haven't devoted as much energy (or anxiety!) to this pregnancy as the first one, probably because the results of the first one are keeping me so busy! But let's document here that I definitely look like a pregnant lady this time around too.

I am getting really excited to meet our new little one as the time gets closer. When I think about what Ella means to me now versus what my fuzzy notions of "a baby" were before she was born, I suspect that I am in for a profound treat and life shakeup again. But it still seems so hard to conceptualize a real precious little human as the reason for my beach ball belly. Nothing like giving birth to do that for you though! And it won't be long now!


Megan Legate said...

Yay!!! We can't wait to meet her!!!

Yo said...

You look great! (This is Melanie Armstrong - I have been silently stalking your blog :-) I hope you're feeling great and that the next few weeks treat you well. We're so happy for you & Paul & sweet little Ella!

Emily said...

Thanks Melanie! I'm glad you're reading! Hope you guys are doing well!